Thursday, September 27, 2012


Pokemon is one of my personal favorite video game series.  Pokemon is a turn based strategy RPG.  I believe that Pokemon can be enjoyed by people of any age.  Children enjoy it because that is the primary audience that Nintendo and Gamefreak try to appeal to.  However, older people like teenagers and adults can appreciate Pokemon for its competitive and strategic aspects.  I personally enjoy creating strategies to use in competition and plan to enter an official tournament within the next few years.  I find it hard to believe that anyone could play Pokemon and not enjoy themselves while doing so.

-Jon Skulski

Playing Starcraft

This is Frenchy, and I feel Starcraft is one of the greatest games ever, both Starcraft one and two. I prefer RTS games as they rely more on strategy then "twitch" required for First Person Shooters. Starcraft involves building a base and commanding one of the three races armies, using tactical thinking and multitasking. I find RPGs too slow, and fps, while fun, are repetitive and get stale fast. Real Time Strategies also allow a greater show of skill, which leads to more professional players of Starcraft and related games compared to Call of Duty.